Association Manager: Stefany Taylor
Assistant Manager: Julie French
2301 Seagler
Houston, TX 77042
Tuesday & Wednesday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm,
Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm,
Friday 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
**Closed for lunch 12 noon – 1:00 pm.
Office: (713) 782-6761
Swimming Pool: (713) 782-5193
The office is closed New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
The Board of Directors of Briargrove Park Property Owners, Inc. meets on the third Tuesday of each month at the Briargrove Park Clubhouse at 2301 Seagler Road. The Board’s meetings are open to all property owners and residents. All property owners and residents are encouraged to attend. Board meeting agenda will be posted in the BGP Office window on the Friday prior to the meeting.
Property owners or residents who wish to address the Board on any issue concerning the maintenance and operation of the facilities owned by the Association or on any other matter within the Board’s jurisdiction may do so pursuant to this policy.
Any property owner or resident desiring to address the Board must contact the Office Manager by 12:00 p.m. on the Thursday before the meeting at which the property owner or resident wishes to speak. The property owner or resident must give the Office Manager his/her name, address, phone number, and the topic upon which he/she wishes to address the Board. Each property owner or resident desiring to speak shall have a maximum of five minutes, not including responses to questions from Board Members, in which to address the Board. The Board has the right to limit speakers to less than five minutes when such speakers are merely cumulative or repetitive of other speakers.
While the Board’s meetings are open to the property owners and residents, the Board reserves the right to discuss certain matters in executive session, regardless of whether an executive session is listed on the Board’s agenda. The Board may discuss matters of a confidential nature in executive session including without limitation, deed restriction violations, legal matters, and personnel matters. The Board shall have the discretion to determine when a matter shall be discussed in executive session.
The Board may suspend the rules to hear from any property owner or resident who is in attendance at a meeting and who desires to speak but has not signed up to speak by the 12 p.m. Thursday deadline. In suspending the rules, the Board may also set a time limit for any speaker.
From time to time, the Board may call special meetings to discuss various matters that need immediate action. The meetings generally involve legal matters, personnel matters, or other matters of a confidential or sensitive nature and therefore will not be open to the property owners or residents. The Board may, however, suspend the rules to allow property owners or residents to attend and/or speak at such meetings.
Post Lights add charm and are Briargrove Park’s primary form of street lighting. Required by the deed restrictions, these lights must be kept in good working order. Yearly maintenance fees cover the replacement of mantles and broken glass. Residents are encouraged to report all non-working gaslights to the subdivision office so repairs can be made. The exact address is required. Please verify that the light is not electric prior to making the report.